Client Information Form

In filling out this form digitally, you are agreeing that your electronic signature (typing your name) is the legally binding equivalent of your handwritten signature. 

We would like to email you occasionally with our blog or information that we think will be helpful. If you’d rather not be added to our mailing list, please tick.

I am prepared for this information to be recorded and kept by my therapist together with details of treatment sessions.

Confidentiality Agreement

In filling out this form digitally, you are agreeing that your electronic signature (typing your name) is the legally binding equivalent of your handwritten signature.

All clinical information shared with my therapist will remain confidential within their service except where they believe there may be a risk of harm to myself or others, or where there’s a legal duty of disclosure.

My therapist has case supervision with their supervisor where a broad outline of my case may be discussed as a part of the supervisory process and that no identifying details will be revealed.

I have read and understood the HGI Information for Clients sheet, including the section about use of questionnaires and how the data will be used in service evaluation and research, and I understand that by ticking the box below I am giving permission for my anonymised data to be used for service evaluation and research and that I can withdraw my consent to this at any time by contacting my therapist.

My personal information will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection legislation. By ticking the box opposite, I consent to information about me being held by the therapist, which means that they will:

The Emotional Needs Audit

How well are your needs being met?

Nature has programmed all of us with physical and emotional needs. These are the ‘human givens’ that cannot be avoided. How stressed we are depends on how well they are being met now, and how well we deal with the situation when they are not. Rate, in your judgement, how well the following emotional needs are being met in your life now, on a scale of one to seven (where 1 means not met at all, and 7 means being very well met), by ticking the appropriate boxes.

I am prepared for this information to be recorded and kept by my therapist together with details of treatment sessions.

If your scores are mostly low, you are more likely to be suffering stress symptoms. If any need is scored 3 or less, this is likely to be a major stressor for you. Even if only one need is marked very low, it can be enough of a problem to seriously affect your mental and emotional stability. Stress, anxiety, anger, depression and addiction are the result of our innate needs not being met, either due to environmental factors, harmful conditioning or a misuse of the imagination (worrying). People do not have mental health problems when their innate needs are being met in balanced, healthy ways. By highlighting ares in your life where your essential needs aren’t being met as well as they could be, you can use this questionnaire to help you think constructively about how your life could be improved.

CORE-10 Screening Measure

Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation

Over the last week…

I am prepared for this information to be recorded and kept by my therapist together with details of treatment sessions.