Resources for Anxiety, Depression , Panic Attacks & PTSD
Some useful downloads offering more in-depth information on understanding mental health better. Here you will find resources to help with anxiety, depression, panic attacks and PTSD. Understand the reasons behind physical symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety and get the full explanation behind how the brain processes trauma and can cause PTSD.
Fill Out Forms
The Emotional Needs Audit
How well are your innate emotional needs being met?
Physical Symptoms of Anxiety and Panic
A list of 13 physical symptoms you may be experiencing and the reasons why we get them
Breathing Exercise
This is a breathing exercise that allows the body to calm down and reduces emotional anxiety.
The Cycle of Depression
How the brain creates a cycle of depression and some useful information to help you break free from it
Traumatic Experiences and PTSD
More information on how the brain processes trauma and an explanation of why our approach works
Physical Pain Questions and answers
A more in-depth Q&A and more information about the OldPain2Go approach
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