I had heard a lot about the Wim Hof Method, and as a mental health professional, I wanted to investigate it and experience it myself to see if the much talked about benefits were real. In simple terms the Wim Hof Method has three main components. These are breath...
Fear is a basic emotion and the human response to it is necessary for survival. Everybody understands fear and what it feels like to be afraid. But what happens when your nervous system becomes so dysregulated that you become scared of feeling fear? How can you tackle...
In line with Healthy Eating Week 2022, #HEW22, 13th June-19th June, we wanted to look at whether eating healthily can improve mental wellbeing. Depression and anxiety are the most commonly diagnosed mental health conditions worldwide. There is a lot of focus on...
I am sure you have heard of IQ or Intelligence Quotient but you may not have heard of EQ or Emotional Quotient? IQ is usually expressed as a number to represent the apparent intelligence of a person. The quotient is usually relative to your performance based on an...
Life is increasingly becoming more stressful. In particular the last two years have been the most challenging faced in modern society. Many people have struggled, and a lot of this can be linked to increased stress levels. Our last blog covered what stress is, the...
Stress is a word that is bandied about quite often, but what is stress? Becoming more aware of what stress is and understanding what to do to reduce it will improve your wellbeing. April 2022 is stress awareness month, so let’s explore what stress is, what to do when...